With deep gratitude the Institute acknowledges various contributions and support made by following entities:

Center for Zakat Management(CZM)
Dr. Mohammad Ayub Miah, General Secretary of Center for Zakat Management handing over scholarships for visually impaired students to the President of Institute of Hazrat Mohammad (SAW).
The Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia
The Embassy of the Russian Federation

The Embassy of Japan
H. E. The Ambassador of Japan, handing over the gift of Holy Quran to the President and the Executive Director of Institute of Hazrat Mohammad (SAW)
The Embassy of the Peoples' Republic of China
The Embassy of the Republic of Korea

The Embassy of Thailand
H. E. The Ambassador of Thailand, handing over the gift of Holy Quran to the Executive Director of Institute of Hazrat Mohammad (SAW)
The Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia
The Embassy of Qatar
The Asia Foundation for books for the Institute's Library.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, USA
The Institute also, acknowledges the laptop it received from OLPC (One Laptop Per Child, USA). The Institute was the first and only organization in Bangladesh to receive a XO –Laptop (popularly known as the $100 laptop) which was handed over on May 20, 2009. OLPC is a non-profit organization focused on creating educational opportunities for the world's poorest children by providing low-cost laptops

Social Islami Bank Ltd.
Major Dr. Md. Rezaul Haque (Retd), Managing Diraector, Social Islami Bank Ltd. giving a cheque to the President of the Institute in support of the activities of the Institute.
The Embassy of Malaysia
H. E. Madam Nur Ashikin Binti Mohd Taib the Ambassador of Malaysia donates a projector to the President of the Institute while visiting the Institute on 16th January 2017.
The Embassy of Germany
H. E. Dr. Thomas Prinz the Ambassador of Germany gives a cheque to the Institute for a microbus.